About Me

As an Associate Professor of Biochemistry specializing in peptide engineering and proteomics, JP. Bingham's primary focus lies in enriching educational opportunities and nurturing research endeavours at both undergraduate (UG) and graduate (GR) levels, aiming to prepare students for successful professional careers.
He is deeply honored to serve as the PATH ways Director of Hawaii's NIH INBRE program (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) and hold the Directorship of NIH's U54 Pacific Center for Genome Research (PCGR). Their dedication to fostering career growth and development in research is realized through the PoWER-G (Promotion of Workforce Employment and Readiness in Genomics) initiative and the INBRE PATHways program. Together, they have established a unique pipeline that provides invaluable mentorship and career-building opportunities for students, supporting them from their undergraduate years to post-doctoral fellowships.