Ariel Imoto
M.S student (2-Year Program)
Hilo, Hawaii
"Tropical Plant Pathology studying viruses in native Hawaiian Hibiscus species".

Derick Syhlman
M.S student (1-Year Program)
Spokane, Washington
"Evolution via homologous recombination of Ralstonia psedosolanacearum"

Samuel Krakowiak
M.S student (1-Year Program)
Honolulu, Hawaii
"Comparative Genomics of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vasculorum"

Vanessa Stewart
M.S student (1-Year Program)
"Comparative Genomics and Virulence Analysis of Pectobacterium brasiliense"

Adrianna Dupriest
M.S student (2-Year Program)
Chalan Pago, Guam
"Viral-Bio Control of Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle"

Stephenie Santos
M.S student (2-Year Program)
Sinajana, Guam
"Characterization of New Cucurbit Viruses"

Casey Ku
M.S student (1-Year Program)
Honolulu, Hawaii
"The Amplification of Diagnostic Tools via Electroflotation"

Gideon Morris
M.S student (2-Year Program)
Warr Acres, Oklahoma
Improving Local Biosecurity Containment During Swine Viral Outbreak

Emily Ward
M.S student (2-Year Program)
Locust Grove, Oklahoma
Molecular detection of adulteration in commercial bison (buffalo) meat products​

Sarah LaFramboise
M.S student (2-Year Program)
Chicago, Illinois, moved to Stillwater, Oklahoma

Jaeley Gattis
M.S student (2-Year Program)'
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
​"The use of EDNA for the detection of bacterial endosymbionts in Bemisia tabaci"